Wednesday 16 September 2015

How the heck DOES a sandwich grill work?

*Buys sandwich griller to make a  sandvich,
realises they're made raw.*
I cry evrytiem...

Well, if I bought it, might as well break it.

So here is how a sandwich grill works.

Sunday 23 August 2015

How the heck DOES a toaster work?

Items that will be needed for this teardown - one fork, one plug point and lots of tap water.

Hey it's not a blog I've written if it doesn't start off by killing you.

Saturday 8 August 2015

How the heck DOES a cordless bell work?

Bla Bla Bla *Insert non-funny joke*

Let's just get to it.

Wow, this just turned serious.

Wait, no, quick Siddhant, think of something funny.

Politicians working hard.

Hahahaha. Alright, we're good to go.

Sunday 2 August 2015

How the heck DOES a motor work?

Howdy younguns!! Today y'all better get ready - here comes some knowledge at your face!

So today we learn how a motor works.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

How the heck DOES a steam iron work?

So this is the second installment in the web series 'How the heck DO things work?', your favourite blog series that you share with your friends probably because I have your Credit Card Information. Fun!!!

So today we learn how an iron works.

Monday 29 June 2015

How the heck DOES a blender work?

Since this is the first post in this blog, let me first get the format straight - each post will be about the details of a particular household product or electronic appliances. It will start with a small step by step instruction on how to open the product, discuss in detail the different parts of it, followed by a list of various problems that could occur with it and end with a theoretical approach to explaining the working of the model.

So today we start with a blender.